
Training Courses

During its experience EICAS developed its own work approach to solve complex industrial problems.
The EICAS scientific background is the starting point to face control challenges.
The EICAS control design methodology represents the core of such an approach and allows to obtain performance (in term of both requirements and costs) not reachable with the classical control techniques.
EicasLab is the powerful instruments able to implement the methodology and to easily obtain the final control design algorithm.
EICAS is available to transfer know-how related to all the key points of the EICAS approach.

  • EicasLab training courses.EICAS has experience in carrying out training courses about EicasLab software suite. They can be oriented to introduce EicasLab, to deeply demonstrate its features and to perform some practical applications.
  • Training courses on EICAS powerful control design methodology.EICAS is willing to transfer know-how related to the EICAS advanced technical background and specifically to the EICAS control design methodology. Training courses can cover both theoretical aspects and practical industrial applications.